Privacy Policy
Privacyverklaring Hotspot Titanium B.V.
Privacy staat bij Hotspot Titanium B.V. voorop. Wij houden ons vanzelfsprekend aan de privacywet. Dit betekent dat uw gegevens veilig bij ons zijn en dat wij uw gegevens beheren en verwerken in overeenstemming met de bepalingen dienaangaande in de AVG. In deze privacyverklaring leggen we uit wat we bij Hotspot Titanium B.V. doen met informatie die we van u in beheer hebben.
Bescherming persoonsgegevens
Hotspot Titanium B.V. respecteert de persoonlijke levenssfeer van haar klanten. Bij de uitvoering van onze activiteiten is de bescherming van de persoonsgegevens voor Hotspot Titanium B.V. dan ook zeer belangrijk. Deze gegevens mogen wij alleen gebruiken als we precies uitleggen waarom en met welke reden.
Voorbeelden van persoonsgegevens zijn: • NAW-gegevens • Telefoonnummer • Factuuradres • Bedrijfsgegevens • E-mailadres • Land • IP-adressen • Eventuele persoonsgegevens die door u worden ingevuld als inhoud van een bericht.
Welke persoonsgegevens verzamelen wij, voor welke doeleinden?
Afhankelijk van de dienst die u bij ons afneemt, kunnen wij onder andere de volgende persoonsgegevens van u vragen:
De door u verstrekte gegevens zullen wij alleen gebruiken voor de doeleinden die wij vooraf aan u hebben gecommuniceerd. In dit privacy statement vindt u een aantal van deze doeleinden. Verder zullen wij uw gegevens niet aan andere partijen verstrekken als u hiervoor geen toestemming heeft gegeven, tenzij dat noodzakelijk is in het kader van de uitvoering van de overeenkomst die u met ons sluit of indien dit wettelijk verplicht is. Uiteraard maken wij met deze partijen goede afspraken over de zorgvuldige omgang met uw persoonsgegevens.
Verbetering van de dienstverlening
Wij gebruiken uw persoonsgegevens, die wij middels onze diensten verzamelen, om u goed van dienst te kunnen zijn en nieuwe producten en diensten te kunnen ontwikkelen.
Verbetering website en applicaties
Voor het verbeteren van onze website houden wij via (persoons)gegevens bij over het gebruik van onze website middels cookies en andere soortgelijke technologieën voor het opslaan van informatie, zoals nieuwsbrief, contactformulier en marketing doeleinden. Ons doel is naast advertentie-uitingen te personaliseren ook u een betere, snellere en veiligere klantbeleving te kunnen bieden.
Uw e-mailadres voor de nieuwsbrief wordt alleen met uw uitdrukkelijke toestemming toegevoegd aan de lijst van abonnees. U kunt op ieder moment bezwaar maken tegen deze mailing en het abonnement op de nieuwsbrief opzeggen. Elke e-mail bevat een afmeld-link.
Via het contactformulier kunt u ons vragen stellen of aanvragen doen. Daarbij moet u bepaalde informatie invullen. Deze bewaren wij niet langer dan noodzakelijk of dan toegestaan of nadat de vragen of verzoeken zijn afgehandeld met als doel het verbeteren van onze dienstverlening.
Wat is een cookie?
Een cookie is een klein bestandje dat onze website op uw computer, tablet of uw mobiele telefoon opslaat. Dit bestand onthoudt specifieke informatie. Bij uw volgende bezoek kan onze website die informatie weer opzoeken en gebruiken voor een betere dienstverlening. Wij kunnen deze informatie alleen verzamelen als u cookies accepteert en ons toestemming geeft.
Wij maken gebruik van:
Google Analytics
Door het gebruik van Google Analytics meten we hoe u onze websites gebruikt en hoe u ons heeft gevonden. Deze kennis gebruiken we om onze sites te verbeteren. De cookie komt van Google en wordt na maximaal twee jaar verwijderd. Google deelt geen anonieme data met derden, lees hier hun Privacy Statement.
Cookies voor Social Media
Artikelen en video's die u op onze website bekijkt, kunt u delen via social media. Om deze buttons te laten werken, plaatsen wij Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter en andere social media cookies op onze website.
Relatiebeheer en marketing
Wij verwerken persoonsgegevens voor ons relatiebeheer en om gerichte marketingactiviteiten uit te voeren. Op basis van gegevens uit interne en externe bronnen en uw bezoek aan onze webpagina’s kunnen wij u passende en gerichte commerciële aanbiedingen doen, bijvoorbeeld via post, telefoon of internet.
Beveiliging en verwerkers
Hotspot Titanium B.V. beschermt uw persoonsgegevens tegen onbevoegde toegang, verlies of diefstal. Uw persoonsgegevens kunnen uitsluitend worden ingezien door de afdelingen die daar vanuit hun functie mee te maken hebben.
Wij maken afspraken over de beveiliging van uw persoonsgegevens die wij bij een externe partij laten verwerken. Als wij voor onze diensten een externe partij inschakelen die voor ons persoonsgegevens verwerkt, dan zorgen wij ervoor dat deze partij ook aan onze beveiligingseisen voldoet. Dit doen wij door het sluiten van een ‘verwerkersovereenkomst’.
Verder zorgen we ervoor dat we uw persoonsgegevens accuraat en up-to-date houden. Wij verzoeken u daarom vriendelijk om ons op de hoogte te stellen van eventuele wijzigingen in uw persoonsgegevens (zoals een wijziging van uw contactgegevens).
Hoe lang bewaren wij uw persoonsgegevens?
Wij bewaren uw persoonsgegevens niet langer dan noodzakelijk of dan toegestaan. Hoe lang wij persoonsgegevens bewaren is verschillend per toepassing en is geregeld in ons interne bewaarbeleid.
Wat zijn uw rechten en hoe kunt u deze uitoefenen?
U heeft het recht:
Klacht indienen
Vindt u dat wij u niet op de juiste manier helpen, dan heeft u het recht om een klacht in te dienen bij de toezichthouder. Voor Nederland is dit de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.
Heeft u nog vragen, opmerkingen of klachten over dit privacy beleid of de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens door ons, aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen. Stuur een e-mail naar [email protected] of bel naar 030 2748484.
Hotspot Titanium B.V., Breda, 28 februari 2019
Cookie list
Cookie Name | Description |
session_id | This cookie is used to identify the user's session. It is essential for various website functionalities and expires when the browser is closed. |
analytics_cookie | This cookie is used to track website usage statistics, such as the number of visitors, pages visited, and the source of traffic. It helps website owners analyze and improve their site's performance. |
preference_cookie | This cookie stores user preferences, such as language selection or display settings, to provide a personalized browsing experience on subsequent visits. |
__Secure-1PAPISID | The "__Secure-1PAPISID" cookie is a secure cookie commonly associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This persistent cookie is used to store and remember user preferences and settings on a website, such as language preferences, font size, and other customization options. It helps enhance the browsing experience by allowing the website to personalize content and features based on the user's preferences. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes can vary, so referring to the website's cookie policy or privacy policy will provide the most accurate and up-to-date information about the "__Secure-1PAPISID" cookie and its usage. |
APISID | The "APISID" cookie is a persistent cookie that is commonly associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie is used to store and remember user preferences and settings on a website, such as language preferences, search preferences, and other customization options. By remembering these preferences, the "APISID" cookie enhances the user's browsing experience by providing personalized features and content. It's important to note that cookie functionalities and purposes can vary, so it's recommended to review the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information about the "APISID" cookie and its usage. |
HSID | The "HSID" cookie is a persistent cookie typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that is generated when a user signs in to their Google account. The "HSID" cookie helps Google authenticate users, maintain their session, and preserve their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. It remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes can vary, so referring to the website's cookie policy or privacy policy will provide the most accurate and up-to-date information about the "HSID" cookie and its usage. |
__Secure-3PSID | The "__Secure-3PSID" cookie is a secure persistent cookie, typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserve their preferences and settings across various Google services and websites. The "__Secure-3PSID" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to refer to the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "__Secure-3PSID" cookie and its usage. |
__Secure-1PSID | The "__Secure-1PSID" cookie is a secure persistent cookie, often associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. The "__Secure-1PSID" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that the specific functionalities and purposes of cookies can vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "__Secure-1PSID" cookie and its usage. |
SAPISID | The "SAPISID" cookie is a persistent cookie typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across various Google services and websites. The "SAPISID" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to refer to the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "SAPISID" cookie and its usage. |
__Secure-1PSIDTS | The "__Secure-1PSIDTS" cookie is a secure persistent cookie, typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted timestamp that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across various Google services and websites. The "__Secure-1PSIDTS" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes can vary, so it's advisable to refer to the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "__Secure-1PSIDTS" cookie and its usage. |
__Secure-1PSIDCC | The "__Secure-1PSIDCC" cookie is a secure persistent cookie typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. The "__Secure-1PSIDCC" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "__Secure-1PSIDCC" cookie and its usage. |
SID | The "__Secure-1PSIDCC" cookie is a secure persistent cookie typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. The "__Secure-1PSIDCC" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "__Secure-1PSIDCC" cookie and its usage. |
SIDCC | The “SIDCC” is a security cookie to protect a user's data from unauthorized access. |
__Secure-3PAPISID | The "__Secure-3PAPISID" cookie is a secure persistent cookie, typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. The "__Secure-3PAPISID" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "__Secure-3PAPISID" cookie and its usage. |
__Secure-3PSIDTS | The "__Secure-3PSIDTS" cookie is a secure persistent cookie, typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted timestamp that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. The "__Secure-3PSIDTS" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "__Secure-3PSIDTS" cookie and its usage. |
__Secure-3PAPISID | The "__Secure-3PAPISID" cookie is a secure persistent cookie typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. The "__Secure-3PAPISID" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "__Secure-3PAPISID" cookie and its usage. |
SSID | The "SSID" cookie is a persistent cookie typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. The "SSID" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "SSID" cookie and its usage. |
__Secure-1PAPISID | The "__Secure-1PAPISID" cookie is a secure persistent cookie typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. The "__Secure-1PAPISID" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "__Secure-1PAPISID" cookie and its usage. |
SAPISID | The "SAPISID" cookie is a persistent cookie typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. The "SAPISID" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "SAPISID" cookie and its usage. |
APISID | The "APISID" cookie is a persistent cookie typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. The "APISID" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "APISID" cookie and its usage. |
HSID | The "HSID" cookie is a persistent cookie typically associated with Google services. It falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. This cookie stores an encrypted unique identifier that helps maintain user sessions and preserves their preferences and settings across different Google services and websites. The "HSID" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser, but it has a limited lifespan and expires after a certain period of time. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "HSID" cookie and its usage. |
__cf_bm | The "__cf_bm" cookie is a session cookie associated with the Cloudflare service, which falls under the category of "Performance" or "Analytics" cookies. This cookie is used to identify trusted web traffic and distinguish it from malicious traffic, contributing to the security and reliability of the website. The "__cf_bm" cookie is stored temporarily and is deleted once the user closes the browser. It does not contain personally identifiable information. Please note that specific cookie functionalities and purposes may vary, so it's advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the "__cf_bm" cookie and its usage. |
_ga_XF0BPMDG7B | The "_ga_XF0BPMDG7B" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Performance" or "Analytics" cookies. It is associated with Google Analytics, a widely used web analytics service. The purpose of the "_ga" cookie is to distinguish unique users by assigning them a randomly generated identifier. This allows website owners to collect and analyze data on user interactions and behavior, such as the pages visited and the source of the traffic. The "_ga" cookie typically has a lifespan of two years, but the exact duration can be adjusted by the website owner. It is important to note that cookie categorization may vary depending on the website or organization, so it is recommended to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for more specific information. |
_hjSessionUser | The "_hjSessionUser" cookie is a session cookie that falls under the category of "Analytics" or "Performance" cookies. It is associated with Hotjar, an analytics and user feedback tool. The purpose of the "_hjSessionUser" cookie is to track and analyze user sessions on the website. It captures data such as mouse movements, clicks, and scrolling behavior to provide insights into user behavior and website performance. This information helps website owners optimize their websites and improve the user experience. The "_hjSessionUser" cookie is temporary and is deleted once the user closes the browser. It does not contain personally identifiable information and is used for statistical purposes. For more specific details about the "_hjSessionUser" cookie, it is recommended to refer to the cookie policy or privacy policy of the website in question. |
NID | The "NID" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. It is associated with Google services, such as Google Maps and reCAPTCHA. The purpose of the "NID" cookie is to store user preferences and settings, such as language preferences and customized options for Google services. This cookie helps enhance the user experience by remembering their preferences across different websites that utilize Google services. The "NID" cookie typically has a lifespan of up to 6 months. However, the specific duration may vary depending on the website's implementation. For more accurate and detailed information about the "NID" cookie, it is recommended to consult the cookie policy or privacy policy of the website where it is being used. |
wd | The "wd" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. It is associated with Facebook and is used to remember the user's browser window dimensions. This cookie helps optimize the display of content and ensures a consistent user experience when interacting with Facebook's services. The "wd" cookie typically has a longer lifespan and remains on the user's device for a specified duration determined by Facebook. It does not contain personally identifiable information and is primarily used for enhancing the functionality and usability of Facebook's platform. For more specific details about the "wd" cookie, it is recommended to consult the cookie policy or privacy policy of Facebook. |
sb | The "wd" and "sb" cookies are both associated with Facebook and fall under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. The "wd" cookie is used to remember the user's browser window dimensions, optimizing the display of content and ensuring a consistent user experience on Facebook's services. The "sb" cookie is primarily used for security and identification purposes. It stores information related to the user's Facebook account, allowing Facebook to authenticate their identity and ensure the security of their account. Both cookies are persistent, meaning they remain on the user's device for a specified duration determined by Facebook. The exact expiration time can vary. For more specific details about these cookies, it is recommended to consult Facebook's cookie policy or privacy policy. |
datr | The "datr" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Security" or "Functional" cookies. It is associated with Facebook and is primarily used to enhance the security of user accounts. The purpose of the "datr" cookie is to identify suspicious login activity and protect Facebook accounts from unauthorized access. It helps detect and prevent fraudulent login attempts, ensuring the safety and privacy of user information. The "datr" cookie has a longer lifespan and remains on the user's device for an extended period. Its specific duration can vary based on factors such as user activity and Facebook's security settings. For more detailed information about the "datr" cookie, it is recommended to review Facebook's cookie policy or privacy policy. |
__Secure-ENID | The "__Secure-ENID" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. It is associated with the website and is used to store and remember the user's language preferences. The purpose of the "__Secure-ENID" cookie is to enhance the browsing experience by allowing the website to display content in the user's preferred language. It ensures that the user sees relevant and localized content, providing a more personalized experience. As a secure cookie, "__Secure-ENID" is designed to provide an extra layer of protection by being transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection. Please note that cookie categorization can vary depending on the specific classification system used by a website or organization. For detailed information about the "__Secure-ENID" cookie and its usage, it is recommended to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy. |
1P_JAR | The "1P_JAR" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Analytics" cookies. It is associated with Google and is used to collect information about user interactions and behavior on the website for analytical purposes. The main purpose of the "1P_JAR" cookie is to track and analyze user engagement, traffic sources, and other metrics through Google Analytics. It helps website owners understand how users interact with their website, which in turn allows them to optimize the website's performance and improve the overall user experience. The "1P_JAR" cookie has a longer lifespan and remains on the user's device for a specified duration, which is determined by Google. It does not contain personally identifiable information and is used in an aggregated and anonymous form for analytical purposes. For more detailed information about the "1P_JAR" cookie and its specific usage, it is recommended to review Google's cookie policy or privacy policy. |
intercom-device-id-wk5n0598 | The "intercom-device-id-wk5n0598" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. It is associated with Intercom, a customer messaging platform. The purpose of the "intercom-device-id-wk5n0598" cookie is to identify and track a user's device across different interactions with the Intercom platform. This allows for personalized messaging and support features, as well as the ability to maintain context and continuity in conversations. As a persistent cookie, "intercom-device-id-wk5n0598" remains on the user's device for a specified duration, which is determined by Intercom. It does not contain personally identifiable information and is used solely for the functionality and performance of the Intercom platform. For more detailed information about the "intercom-device-id-wk5n0598" cookie and its specific usage, it is recommended to review Intercom's cookie policy or privacy policy. |
ssupp.vid | The "ssupp.vid" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. It is associated with the SnapEngage live chat service. The purpose of the "ssupp.vid" cookie is to track and identify unique visitors on the website for the purpose of providing personalized chat support. It helps maintain continuity in chat sessions and enables the chat service to recognize returning visitors. As a persistent cookie, "ssupp.vid" remains on the user's device for a specified duration, which is determined by the website using SnapEngage. It does not contain personally identifiable information and is used solely for the functionality and performance of the live chat service. For more detailed information about the "ssupp.vid" cookie and its specific usage, it is recommended to review the website's cookie policy or privacy policy, particularly those related to the SnapEngage service. |
DV | The "DV" cookie is a cookie that falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. These cookies are used to store user preferences and settings to enhance their browsing experience. The specific purpose and usage of the "DV" cookie can vary depending on the website or service that sets it. In some cases, the "DV" cookie is associated with Google services, such as Google Analytics or Google Maps. As a cookie in the "Preferences" or "Functional" category, the "DV" cookie is typically used for tracking and analytics purposes. It helps website owners gather information about user interactions and behavior on their website, enabling them to provide personalized content and improve the overall user experience. It is important to note that the exact function and usage of the "DV" cookie may differ across websites and services. For accurate and detailed information about the "DV" cookie's specific purpose on a particular website, it is recommended to review the website's cookie policy or privacy policy. |
AEC | The "AEC" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Preferences" or "Functional" cookies. It is associated with Youtube / Google services, such as Youtube. The purpose of the "AEC" cookie is to ensure that requests within a browsing session are made by the user, and not by other sites. These cookies prevent malicious sites from acting on behalf of a user without that user's knowledge |
CONSENT | The "CONSENT" cookie is typically a preference or functional cookie used by websites to store and track the user's consent choices regarding the use of cookies. It allows websites to remember the user's cookie consent preferences, such as accepting or rejecting certain types of cookies or cookie categories. By storing this information in the "CONSENT" cookie, the website ensures that the user's cookie consent choices are respected across different browsing sessions. However, the specific usage and functionality of the "CONSENT" cookie can vary depending on the website's implementation. It is advisable to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for more detailed information about how the "CONSENT" cookie is used on that particular website. |
OTZ | The "OTZ" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Performance" or "Analytics" cookies. It is associated with Google Analytics, a widely used web analytics service. The purpose of the "OTZ" cookie is to distinguish unique users by assigning them a randomly generated identifier. This allows website owners to collect and analyze data on user interactions and behavior, such as the pages visited and the source of the traffic. The "OTZ" cookie typically has a lifespan of two years, but the exact duration can be adjusted by the website owner. It is important to note that cookie categorization may vary depending on the website or organization, so it is recommended to consult the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for more specific information. |
SOCS | The "SOCS" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Performance" or "Analytics" cookies. It is associated with Google Analytics, a widely used web analytics service. The purpose of the " SOCS " cookie is to store a user’s state regarding their cookie choices. Expires after 24 hours. |
advertising_cookie | This cookie is used to deliver targeted advertisements based on the user's browsing behavior and interests. It helps optimize ad relevance and measure campaign effectiveness. |
__Secure-3PSIDCC | The "__Secure-3PSIDCC" cookie is a secure cookie that is typically used by Google for advertising purposes. It is a persistent cookie, meaning it remains on the user's device even after closing the browser. The main purpose of the "__Secure-3PSIDCC" cookie is to collect information about user interactions with advertisements displayed on websites that use Google advertising services. This cookie helps track and measure the performance of advertising campaigns and enables Google to deliver targeted advertisements based on the user's interests and browsing behavior. |
ln_or | The In_or cookie is a advertising cookie That is typically used by Linkedin for advertising purposes. Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. |
_gcl_au | The "_gcl_au" cookie is a persistent cookie that falls under the category of "Marketing" or "Advertising" cookies. This cookie is associated with Google Ads and is used to track and optimize the performance of advertisements displayed on websites. It helps measure conversions and analyze user behavior related to advertising campaigns. The "_gcl_au" cookie remains on the user's device even after closing the browser and typically has a lifespan of 90 days. However, the specific functionality and purpose of this cookie may vary depending on the website's implementation and configuration. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's recommended to consult the cookie policy or privacy policy of the website where the "_gcl_au" cookie is being used. |
_fbp | The "_fbp" cookie is a marketing cookie associated with Facebook advertising services. It is used to track and deliver targeted advertisements to users based on their browsing behavior and interests. The cookie helps optimize ad relevance and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. While it does not contain personal information, it helps identify unique browsers or devices and tracks user interactions with Facebook ads. The specific usage and functionality of the "_fbp" cookie can vary depending on the website's integration with Facebook's advertising services. It is advisable to refer to the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for more detailed information about how the "_fbp" cookie is used on that specific platform. |
Targeting_cookie | |
ADS_VISITOR_ID | The "ADS_VISITOR_ID" cookie is a cookie that falls under the category of "Marketing" or "Targeting" cookies. These cookies are used to track and collect information about the user's browsing behavior and interests, with the aim of delivering targeted advertisements. The specific purpose and usage of the "ADS_VISITOR_ID" cookie can vary depending on the website or advertising platform that sets it. It is commonly associated with online advertising and marketing campaigns. The cookie helps advertisers identify and target specific users based on their past browsing activities, allowing them to display relevant and personalized advertisements. As a "Marketing" or "Targeting" cookie, the "ADS_VISITOR_ID" cookie may be shared with third-party advertisers and advertising networks to facilitate targeted advertising across different websites. It's important to note that the categorization and usage of cookies can vary across different websites and advertising platforms. For detailed information about the specific purpose and usage of the "ADS_VISITOR_ID" cookie on a particular website, it's recommended to review the website's cookie policy or privacy policy, particularly those related to advertising and marketing practices. |
Essential_cookie | |
COOKIELAW | The "COOKIELAW" cookie typically falls under the category of "Necessary" or "Essential" cookies. These cookies are essential for the functioning of a website and are necessary to provide basic features and services. The "COOKIELAW" cookie is often used to track the user's consent for accepting cookies on a website. It stores information about the user's cookie preferences and whether they have agreed to the cookie policy or consented to the use of certain types of cookies.While some websites may categorize the "COOKIELAW" cookie as a "Preference" cookie, it is generally considered as a necessary cookie because it helps ensure compliance with legal requirements and enables the proper functioning of cookie consent mechanisms.Please note that cookie categorization can vary depending on the specific classification system used by a website or organization. It is always recommended to refer to the website's cookie policy or privacy policy for the most accurate and detailed information on how cookies are categorized on that particular website. |
session_id | The "session_id" cookie is an essential cookie that is used to track and identify a user's session on a website or application. Its main purpose is to maintain user authentication and session management. The cookie ensures that user actions and data are associated with the correct session, allowing for a seamless and personalized user experience. As an essential cookie, the "session_id" cookie is typically exempt from consent requirements under various privacy regulations. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the website or application and does not contain personally identifiable information. Please note that the specific functionality and categorization of the "session_id" cookie can vary depending on the website or application that uses it. For more detailed information, it is recommended to consult the cookie policy or privacy policy of the respective website or application. |
security_cookie | This cookie is used to enhance website security by preventing cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and other malicious activities. It helps protect user data and ensures a safe browsing experience. |
SEARCH_SAMESITE | The "SEARCH_SAMESITE" cookie is a custom or site-specific cookie that does not belong to any standard cookie category. It is used for internal purposes by the website or service that sets it. The exact purpose and usage of the "SEARCH_SAMESITE" cookie can vary depending on the specific website or service. It is typically employed to maintain consistent session information and ensure that the same-site navigation behavior is preserved during a user's browsing session. As a custom cookie, the "SEARCH_SAMESITE" cookie is specific to the website that sets it and is not commonly used or recognized across different websites or services. For a more detailed understanding of the "SEARCH_SAMESITE" cookie's functionality and usage on a particular website, it is advisable to review the website's cookie policy or privacy policy. These documents should provide specific information about the purpose and implications of this cookie on the website in question. |